4 Tips for Cleaning out your Closet

Do you ever find yourself getting overwhelmed with your closet situation when it comes to picking an outfit for the day? Countless times I have looked upon racks and racks of clothes and found nothing to wear. If this sounds familiar, you should definitely consider downsizing your wardrobe to something smaller and more curated. Sometimes you just need a good closet purge to give your closet a fresh, uncluttered start. 

Doing a closet clean out is a great way to simplify your wardrobe to just contain your favourite, classic pieces that can be mixed and matched to create a number of different outfits. Every piece in your wardrobe should be one that you love to wear, and something you will definitely get the use out of. 

Not only will a simplified wardrobe create more space so your favourite piece aren’t all crammed together (I have literally broken clothing hangers before trying to fit more pieces into my wardrobe, no joke!), it will significantly reduce your time in the morning deciding what to wear. Because let’s be real, the chances that you end up reaching for the same pieces over and over again is probably quite high. Having your decision making time reduced when picking an outfit for the day means you get to put more time and energy towards other parts of your morning.

Can’t bear to give away some old favourites? I’m partnering with Poshmark to show you one of my favourite ways to re-home unwanted pieces, whilst making some money to put towards new things (more on this later)!

Cleaning out your closet can definitely seem like a daunting task. If you’re not sure where to start, below are my top 4 tips for cleaning out your closet.



1. Take everything out

The first step in cleaning our your closet is to take a long, hard look at all the pieces you own. Taking everything out of your closet at once will make sure you finish the job and no pieces get accidentally ‘missed’ in the purge!

Start by decluttering anything you haven’t worn in the last 1-2 years (you’ll be surprised at how many things you forgot you owned!). If you haven’t worn it recently and you don’t see yourself wearing it in the next 3 months, the chances of you wearing it in the near future are slim, and these items will be better off going to new homes.


2. Make 3 Piles

As you’re going through all of your closet items, start putting them into 3 piles. “Keep”, “Sell”, and “Donate”.

The “Keep” pile will consist of the items you know you want to keep and will wear.

The “Sell” pile will be items that are still in good condition and can be reused by someone. Selling your items on Poshmark is a great way to make some extra money from the items you don’t wear anymore.

Lastly, the “Donate” pile will consist of items that can be donated or given away to friends and family.


3. Use the 6 Month Rule

A helpful rule to use when cleaning out your closet, is the 6 month rule. If you haven’t worn something in the last 6 months, pass it on. It’s just taking up valuable space in your closet and collecting dust!


4. Consider Selling Unwanted Items

Selling unwanted items that are still in reasonable condition is a great way to create some space and make some extra money. My favourite way to sell the items in my closet that don’t get enough love is by using Poshmark.

Poshmark is a social marketplace for new and secondhand style. You can buy and sell everything from clothes and accessories to homewares. Better yet, you can do this right from your phone, in just 60 seconds. Simply take a few photos of the item, write a quick description, set the price and it’s up for sale!

The best thing about Poshmark is that it’s so quick and easy to sell items. You can even do everything on your phone!


How to Use Poshmark

Like I mentioned before, using Poshmark is super easy, and can all be done through your phone.

1. Download the Poshmark app for free.
2. Create a profile.
3. Take a couple of photos of the item you want to sell.
4. Write a short description and choose the appropriate category.
5. Enter in your price.
6. Click list!

It really is that easy! Once your item sells, simply print the shipping label and send it on its way!


Connect with me on Poshmark!

Be sure to come say hi, and check out some of the items I’m selling over on my Poshmark closet. I’m selling a lot of items that have never been worn at a fraction of their original price!


I hope this post helped give you some useful tips on how to clean out your closet and sell your new or preloved items. See you on Poshmark!


This post is in partnership with Poshmark.




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